This day on July 26

Happy Birthday To: oilersfan, woomaz, oilfaninvancity, Cpowell187, Andy34, DieHardOilersFan

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Login: vagabond Registered On Sat, 13 April 2019Message Count 17
SubjectForum:Date Posted
Re: Oilers select 2nd rd (#38) - Raphael LavoieOilersSun, 23 June 2019 07:30
Re: Oilers select 1st rd (#8) - Philip BrobergOilersSun, 23 June 2019 07:30
Re: Oilers select 1st rd (#8) - Philip BrobergOilersSun, 23 June 2019 07:29
Re: Jim Playfair hired as an associate coachOilersFri, 21 June 2019 10:17
Re: Oilers 19-20 pre-season scheduleOilersFri, 14 June 2019 17:31
Re: Dave Tippett to be named head coach of the OilersOilersTue, 28 May 2019 18:17
Re: Coffey goneOilersTue, 28 May 2019 18:07
Dave Tippett to be named head coach of the OilersOilersMon, 27 May 2019 23:32
Re: Joakim Nygard - SignedOilersThu, 23 May 2019 23:30
Re: Joakim Nygard - SignedOilersThu, 23 May 2019 16:52
Re: Duane Sutter and JJ. Hebert are out OilersTue, 21 May 2019 21:02
Re: Ken Holland accepts Oilers GM and POHO offerOilersSat, 18 May 2019 16:34
Re: Katz/Nicholson Presser at 10AM Today OilersTue, 07 May 2019 16:04
Re: Ken Holland accepts Oilers GM offerOilersMon, 06 May 2019 03:10
Re: McDavid Injury is a PCLOilersFri, 19 April 2019 12:53
Re: McDavid Injury is a PCLOilersTue, 16 April 2019 16:03
Re: McDavid Injury is a PCLOilersSun, 14 April 2019 13:31

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